The Head Shake of Shame.
I woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of last Wednesday’s night from a horrible dream: My entire class was critiqued, including myself and I went to watch my critique. Michelle appeared as usual. Then it turned nightmare: She frowned at the camera, shook her head in shame, and cut the video feed. I woke up frantically going over my assignment in my head, and forming an emergency plan of action. I know, scary! Nobody ever wants to get the "head shake of shame."
This class is fun, and I can only imagine how much fun shall be had when I reach the Intro to Acting class. The lectures are getting longer and more advanced. Body mechanics are slowly starting to make more sense. For our first assignment, we were given a few options as to what type of action we would ultimately produce. We could choose between a side-step, a ball kick, or a 180 degree turn. I decided to give a 180 degree turn a whirl. (Pun intended.) Here's an UNREFINED version of the turn.
Web class with Michelle Meeker is really great. I love the fact that she lets our time run far over the hour allotment. Sometimes I really feel that an hour isn't enough, and apparently she feels the same. I have, however, had to make a few adjustments in my workflow, since she gives critiques later in the week than my last mentor. I understand the mentors are really busy in their own lives, but the first week, I'll admit, I was a bit panicked, hence the nightmare!
This class is fun, and I can only imagine how much fun shall be had when I reach the Intro to Acting class. The lectures are getting longer and more advanced. Body mechanics are slowly starting to make more sense. For our first assignment, we were given a few options as to what type of action we would ultimately produce. We could choose between a side-step, a ball kick, or a 180 degree turn. I decided to give a 180 degree turn a whirl. (Pun intended.) Here's an UNREFINED version of the turn.
Haha, that sounds like a brutal way to wake up in the morning :P Really great work with shot. You're a natural with timing. Awesome work!
Lookin good, I like the contrast in timing. Here's my observations.
When the screen left foot first comes off the ground, it feels like the spacing is too tight (too many keys), making the foot "stick" a bit rather than lift off.
When ballie turns and the foot crosses over the planted one, the planted foot is at an awkward angle and feels a bit glued down. Have that foot pivot a bit as the opposite leg swings around to give more natural turn.
Good stuff!
ballie lives on! great call w AM keeping ballie in body mechanics. i think we were thrust into the deep end with our first class 2 assignment being a personality walk with stewie. i really messed up that assignment bad!!
i like this 180 turn, cool idea w the hang time at the top, gives it lots of personality. i think you could accentaute the weight on the way down by removing some of the frames you have from 63-67, i think you should have the leg speed up more as it is heading toward the ground, this would give a feeling of the weight slamming down, so if you got rid of a few frames that woudl help speed things up, remember you don't want even spacing when an action is speeding up and the action of the foot accellerating towards the ground with the weight of the body and gravity upon it shouldn't be evenly spaced as you have it. you might also want to try having the foot slam down by not having as much overlap of the toe area, the perfect overlap of the foot and toe you have reminds me of a lighter step, a more controlled movement, it totally works, but just needs more weight to that one step.
great job lauren!
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