The Head Shake of Shame.
I woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of last Wednesday’s night from a horrible dream: My entire class was critiqued, including myself and I went to watch my critique. Michelle appeared as usual. Then it turned nightmare: She frowned at the camera, shook her head in shame, and cut the video feed. I woke up frantically going over my assignment in my head, and forming an emergency plan of action. I know, scary! Nobody ever wants to get the "head shake of shame."
This class is fun, and I can only imagine how much fun shall be had when I reach the Intro to Acting class. The lectures are getting longer and more advanced. Body mechanics are slowly starting to make more sense. For our first assignment, we were given a few options as to what type of action we would ultimately produce. We could choose between a side-step, a ball kick, or a 180 degree turn. I decided to give a 180 degree turn a whirl. (Pun intended.) Here's an UNREFINED version of the turn.
Web class with Michelle Meeker is really great. I love the fact that she lets our time run far over the hour allotment. Sometimes I really feel that an hour isn't enough, and apparently she feels the same. I have, however, had to make a few adjustments in my workflow, since she gives critiques later in the week than my last mentor. I understand the mentors are really busy in their own lives, but the first week, I'll admit, I was a bit panicked, hence the nightmare!
This class is fun, and I can only imagine how much fun shall be had when I reach the Intro to Acting class. The lectures are getting longer and more advanced. Body mechanics are slowly starting to make more sense. For our first assignment, we were given a few options as to what type of action we would ultimately produce. We could choose between a side-step, a ball kick, or a 180 degree turn. I decided to give a 180 degree turn a whirl. (Pun intended.) Here's an UNREFINED version of the turn.