Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Public Freak, or Artist?

So our first assignment is to go out in public and sketch people. I mean really observe everything about them. Give them a cold, hard, icy stare for a prolonged period of time, if you will....then frantically scribble in a little black book. Repeat. Now, this may make some people uncomfortable, for whatever reason, but it's a necessary part of animation. Here are a few tips to help lessen the awkward moment that is accidental eye-contact with an unhappy face.

1. Pretend you were looking at their food (if applicable). If in ear-shot, mumble something about being hungry and quickly walk into nearest fast food restaurant. DO NOT, repeat, DO NOT! ask for a bite of theirs.

2. Immediately relax your eyeballs as if you are looking into one of those "magic-eye" posters. Then smile and wave. Hopefully the subject waves back at you in a confused, reflex reaction. At this point, pretend you didn't see them wave, and walk directly past them in the direction of your original wave. They'll be so embarrassed for intercepting a wave not intended for them, that they'll forget about the whole staring/scribbling thing. Now who's the freak!?? Haha!

3. (This is more of a preventative measure.) If you have a dog, bring her with you and adorn her with a lovely little jacket that says "Seeing eye dog," after all, blind people can't stare... or can they?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, this is cool, Lauren....I put you in my Favorite Places....


9:18 PM  

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